Monday, August 15, 2011


Wednesday we participated in our 2nd 'Denver Cruisers.'   My phone 'died' for no reason in the middle of the day at work so I had to run to the Verizon store and got home late.  I was not happy about rushing to get ready.  The theme this week was Farmers/Farm Animals.  This beauty adorned the  front of my bike:
Once we were ready to go we swung by Lauren & Brent's house to pick them up and headed to our meeting point the Skylark Lounge.  I was SOOO hungry and couldn't wait for delicious bar food.  BUT- they had NO food!! UGH!!!  So I had to wait and scope out the food trucks at the COD (circle of death).   Carolyn and Will met us at the bar, and Garrett met us @ the COD.  It was a fun ride as always, except toward the end Christian and I had a mishap (crash) and I lost a shoe.  I thought for sure I broke a finger (and was very proud of it!).  I recovered my shoe and we moved on to our final destination.  Here we go....

(once again I apologize for the poor photo quality, the COD is no place for fancy cameras)

Glorious 4 person bike
 As soon as we arrived Carolyn, Christian, Lauren and I hit the COD....

My DELICIOUS food truck meal- Barley, shredded chicken, veggies and chimichurri sauce.  A big hit. (you were expecting something fried... welcome to DENVER!)

What you've all been waiting for....the Piece de Resistance....

 I actually thought her outfit was quite good!  Maura thought for sure she would be a cow (utters...).

View of the city from the COD

Good times!!

Speaking of farm animals, Thursday my client and I had a play date scheduled with Carolyn and her two clients.   We met up at the Denver Zoo.  We each have nanny passes which is really nice so we can go whenever we want!  The zoo is right around the corner from our house, and about a 10 minute drive from 'work.'  Christian had off and met up with us as well.

For our clients privacy we told them to look away ;) 

As soon as we got there we headed over to watch the sea lion "show":

 Christian had been running some errands in the morning on his bike and showed up soaked through his shirt.  He bough a dry shirt at the zoo store.... even the people who worked at the zoo were teasing him:

They had a little 'stream' the kids could play in.  Carolyn's clients could care less about the zoo and begged to come here :)

We didn't stay too long because we wanted to get home for lunch, but its a big zoo so there is a lot left for us to explore!  Thanks for meeting us Carolyn & friends!!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend!  We went on a float trip- we floated down the South Platte River in tire tubes for 3 hours and then camped out.  I brought a water camera and will get the pics up asap.  It was A LOT of fun and can't wait for next years trip :)  Which I am forcing them to have in June.

PS- Congratulations to Pat and Erika who welcomed Claire Elise Grenko into the world on August 8th- so happy for you guys and can't wait to meet her!!


  1. another fun post!! Love how you call your kids "clients" haha!!

  2. Loving the blog Colleen! And thanks so much for the shout out :) We really can't wait for you guys to meet the little lady! Miss ya's!
